GovDelivery3 days 4 hours ago

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Kristen Rucinski - Principal            Linda Ferguson - Interim Assistant Principal

Gunston Gazette Upcoming Events & Reminders 
  • January 20th: Martin Luther King Jr. Day Holiday- No School
  • January 21st: Volunteer Training
  • January 21st: 6th Grade Field Trip 
  • January 28th: Grading Period Ends - 2-Hour Release (1:20 p.m.)
  • January 29th: Teacher Workday - No School for Students 
  • February 10th: 3-Hour Early Release ( 12:20 p.m.) 
Kiss and Ride Reminder

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I’m sure if you’ve waited in the Kiss and Ride line, especially toward the end, you may have been witness to some reckless driving when, at times, people decide to pass over the double yellow line. The Fairfax County Police have received these complaints and continue to collaborate with our staff on the best way to safely queue for and rotate through the Kiss and Ride area. An officer observed our process on Wednesday afternoon with administration and asked we share a few important reminders. 

Through recent observations, the police would like to remind everyone that motorists stopping on Gunston Road in such a manner as to impede the use of the roadway are doing so in violation of state code and are subject to citation. Minutes Matter! Officers have said that parents blocking Gunston Road prior to drop off time of 8:25 AM or pick up time of 3:20 PM could be cited. After those times, during the normal pick-up times, a simple, brief, back-up in traffic is not a violation. Please be aware of the time you arrive and it is not too early so we don’t impede traffic on Gunston Road.

Thank you for your continued attention to this matter and please remember to inch-up closely to the car in front of you.  A couple extra feet in front of your car, multiplied by everyone in line, adds up fast.  Please refrain from being on your cell phone while in the Kiss and Ride lane as it is a safety concern and delays traffic.  If you are picking up or dropping off your child to the main office and/or SACC, you MUST park your car and not park near the sidewalk.  It is illegal to park next to the sidewalk with yellow lines and signs indicating no standing or waiting.  The police will be spot checking the surrounding areas for continued compliance so please follow these reminders and, as always, buckle up everyone in the car and use car seats when necessary!



Kristen Rucinski

Same Day Dismissal Changes

Same day dismissal changes, including planned early pick-ups of students, must be communicated to the front office prior to 2:30 pm. 

  • A note to the classroom teacher is also appreciated BUT, as classroom teachers may not have an opportunity to check their email before the end of the day, all dismissal changes MUST be communicated to the front office. 
  • If your child is being picked up during their Specials time (music, PE, art, etc.), please allow additional time for them to return to their classroom to pack up their belongings.  
  • If your child attends SACC, be sure to also let the SACC staff know of a dismissal change as SACC operates separately from FCPS. 
Visiting Gunston (Driver's License is Needed)

The safety and security of our students and our staff are of utmost importance. Every visitor who enters the building is monitored. All visitors entering Gunston will need to have a valid driver’s license and sign-in using the Visitor Management System (VMS). The VMS will issue each visitor a sticker that should always be worn when in the building.

SR&R and Cell Phone Policy Survey Coming Soon

All FCPS families and middle and high school students will be receiving an email invitation on Tuesday, January 21, to participate in a survey about FCPS’ Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R), cell phone policy, and cell phone storage options. The survey will be available from January 21 to February 3. Please take a few moments to share your feedback and help FCPS make informed, inclusive decisions for all of our schools!

Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activities

Winter weather is here! As a reminder, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately with a warm coat and other cold-weather clothing, so they can comfortably enjoy time outdoors. We monitor the weather for low temperatures, wind chill advisories and warnings, and weather advisories that may prevent children from being outside for activities like recess or physical education.

Visit Fairfax County’s website for Winter Weather/Extreme Cold safety tips

If you need assistance getting cold-weather clothing for your family, please contact our family liaison, Kathryn Garcia, at [email protected] . You may also contact Fairfax County Coordinated Services Planning (CSP) at 703-222-0880. Their multilingual staff can assist with any challenges you are facing, including food, shelter, employment, financial assistance, and health care. 

Varsity Tutors

FCPS is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors’ services at no cost, including weekly live online classes; on-demand 24/7 chat tutoring; essay editing; and study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests. Learn more about online tutoring with Varsity Tutors

Black History Month Events

How will your school be acknowledging Black History Month? Please share with us! 

Student and Family Resources

Fairfax County Public Schools has compiled a list of resources for students and families in case they need assistance while schools are closed for winter break. Please visit FCPS’ winter resources webpage for information on academic support, mental health support, and county resources related to food, clothing, housing, and other needs.

School’s Closed, Learning Can Continue! 

FCPS encourages students to take advantage of fun learning opportunities during winter break and snow days. Consider these winter activities to blend education and play for your students during winter break or weather-related school closures

  • In case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:
  • Dress Children Warmly
  • Proposed Construction Projects
  • Dual Language Immersion Lottery

Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today.  


10100 Gunston Road, Lorton VA 22079 | Main Phone: 703.541.3600
Clinic: 703.541.3610 | Email Attendance | Web | Twitter


GovDelivery1 week 3 days ago

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Kristen Rucinski - Principal            Linda Ferguson - Interim Assistant Principal

Gunston Gazette Upcoming Events & Reminders 
  • January 13th:  Hayfield Secondary School Curriculum Night 6-7:00 p.m.
  • January 13th: Lake Braddock Curriculum Night 6:30 p.m.- 8:30 p.m.
  • January 16th: South County Middle School Curriculum 6-7:30 p.m.
  • January 20th: Martin Luther King Jr. Day Holiday- No School
  • January 29th: Teacher Workday - No School for Students 
  • February 10th: 3-Hour Early Release ( 12:20 p.m.) 
2-Hour Delay Information:

Doors open at 10:25 am when there is a two-hour delay.  Please make plans according as teachers and other staff members are just arriving and preparing for their day.  

Cell Phone Policy

Please provide a phone number for parents to call if they need to reach their children. 


  • 📵 Phones Down, Engagement Up: FCPS Cell Phone Policy Keeping cell phones off during the school day helps students focus and learn. It also boosts positive social behavior. Review FCPS’ cell phone expectations by grade level with your child and help keep our classrooms free of distractions! If you need to reach your child during the school day, please call our [main office]. 
Varsity Tutors


  • English:📑 Varsity Tutors Provides On-Demand Support at No Cost

FCPS is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors’ services at no cost, including weekly live online classes; on-demand 24/7 chat tutoring; essay editing; and study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests. Learn more about online tutoring with Varsity Tutors

District News/In Case You Missed It (ICYMI)

If you prefer to have an abbreviated way to share district news, consider including the language below in your newsletter. Please edit the list of topics to best fit the needs of your community.

  • FCPS NewsIn case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:
  • National Merit Commended Scholars
  • Celebrating the Best of 2024 in FCPS
  • Cell Phones Off, Learning On

Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today.  

Black History Month Events

How will your school be acknowledging Black History Month? Please share with us! 

Student and Family Resources

Fairfax County Public Schools has compiled a list of resources for students and families in case they need assistance while schools are closed for winter break. Please visit FCPS’ winter resources webpage for information on academic support, mental health support, and county resources related to food, clothing, housing, and other needs.

School’s Closed, Learning Can Continue! 

FCPS encourages students to take advantage of fun learning opportunities during winter break and snow days. Consider these winter activities to blend education and play for your students during winter break or weather-related school closures

10100 Gunston Road, Lorton VA 22079 | Main Phone: 703.541.3600
Clinic: 703.541.3610 | Email Attendance | Web | Twitter


GovDelivery1 month ago

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Kristen Rucinski - Principal            Linda Ferguson - Interim Assistant Principal

Gunston Gazette Upcoming Events & Reminders
  • December 23 - January 3:  Winter Break - School Close
  • January 6:  Back to School 
  • January 9:  Hayfield Secondary School Curriculum Night 6-7:00 p.m.
  • January 13: Lake Braddock Curriculum Night 6:30 p.m.- 8:30 p.m.
  • January 16: South County Middle School Curriculum 6-7:30 p.m.
Principals' Message 

Dear Gunston Families,

As we approach the much-anticipated winter break, we want to take a moment to wish each of you a joyful holiday season filled with laughter, love, and quality time with those who matter most. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or another cherished tradition, we hope this season brings you peace and happiness.

At Gunston Elementary, we are truly grateful for the unwavering support and collaboration of our families. Your partnership makes a significant difference in the success of our students, and together, we have built a community rooted in care, learning, and growth. As we look ahead to 2025, we are excited to continue soaring to new heights together.

This break provides a wonderful opportunity to connect with your children and create lasting memories. Here are a few ideas for family fun over the holiday season:

  • Enjoy the Outdoors: Take a family walk, hike, or bike ride to explore nature. Look for winter wildlife or try a scavenger hunt for seasonal treasures like pinecones or unique leaves.
  • Have a Family Movie or Game Night: Cozy up with your favorite movies or pull out a board game for some friendly competition.
  • Cook or Bake Together: Let your kids help in the kitchen by preparing a simple recipe or decorating cookies.
  • Create and Craft: Make holiday cards, decorations, or simple crafts with items you already have at home.
  • Read and Share Stories: Read a book together or share your favorite childhood memories and traditions.

These small but meaningful activities can strengthen the bonds within your family while creating cherished moments your children will carry with them forever.

Interim reports will only be sent home for students whose teachers wish to highlight specific areas for growth or progress. These reports are an important tool to ensure open communication between home and school, and they include information about supports already in place. Please rest assured that we value your partnership and encourage you to schedule a conference with your child’s teacher at any time if you have questions or would like to discuss your child’s progress further.  The classroom teachers will continue to share monthly newsletters about the curriculum your children will be engaging in each month.

As we close out this year, let us embrace the opportunity to reflect on the successes and challenges we’ve experienced, learn from them, and prepare for an amazing year ahead. Thank you for being such an integral part of our Gunston family.

Wishing you a safe, joyful, and restful winter break. We look forward to welcoming everyone back in January to continue our journey of growing, learning, and soaring together!

Warm regards,

Ms. Rucinski and Ms. Ferguson

Community Boundary Review Meetings

Comprehensive Boundary Review Update

The Superintendent’s Boundary Review Advisory Committee held its second meeting on December 16 at Gatehouse Administration Center. View key takeaways from that meeting and access the meeting agenda, slides, and other materials that committee members received.  If you did not get a chance to attend an in-person Community Boundary Review Meeting, please consider participating in one of the following virtual meetings:

  • Friday, January 10, 2025, 6-7:30 p.m. 
  • Thursday, January 16, 2025, 1-2:30 p.m. 
  • Saturday, January 25, 2025, 9:30-11 a.m. 
  • Monday, January 27, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 
  • Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 
  • Monday, February 10, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 

. Language interpretation will be available. 

All virtual meetings will follow the same format as the in-person meetings that were recently held, and the same information will be shared. Please stay tuned for details on how to register. Visit FCPS’ Comprehensive Boundary Review webpage to learn more. Sign up for FCPS’ School Boundary Review newsletter as well.

Update Contact Info in ParentVUE

❄️ Be Among the First to Hear About School Delays/Closings

Watch this video to see how FCPS makes weather closing decisions

FCPS’ website is generally the first place to find out about emergency weather closings. Other communication channels will be used as quickly as possible, including email, text, social media, and news stations. Learn more about how schedule changes are communicated.

Be among the first to hear about weather delays and closings! Update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE. Emails and text messages are sent to parents and caregivers based on the addresses and cell phone numbers entered on this platform. 

🗺️ Dual Language Immersion Lottery Registration

Registration for the countywide lottery for FCPS’ Dual Language Immersion (DLI) program will open on Monday, January 13, 2025. Current pre-K students may apply for the kindergarten immersion program, and current kindergarten students may apply for the first grade immersion program for the 2024-25 school year. 

Dual Language Immersion is available in French, German, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. 

Parents/caregivers who are interested may want to attend an informational meeting held at the school site. Visit the Dual Language Immersion Program Registration page for a list of meetings by language offered

Get more information on the DLI Program webpage and the DLI Program Registration webpage

Family Resource Center Webinars and FCPS Family Academy

🖥️ Free Webinars and Events for Families

In January, the Family Resource Center (FRC) will host webinars for families on:

Sign up for the FRC newsletter or visit their webinar webpage.

Upcoming Family Academy Events

You are an important part of your child's education! The FCPS Family Academy compiles classes, webinars, workshops, and programs offered by FCPS to help you support your child's needs and learning at home. Browse Family Academy offerings

Fairfax County General Assembly Delegation Public Hearing

📣 Sign Up and Speak Out: Fairfax County’s Pre-2025 Session Public Hearing

The Fairfax County delegation to the Virginia General Assembly will hold a public hearing regarding the upcoming 2025 session on Saturday, January 4, at 9 a.m., in the Board Auditorium at the Fairfax County Government Center

As Fairfax County residents, you may sign up in advance to speak at the hearing and let the delegation know what matters most to you. To participate, register online using this form or contact the Department of Clerk Services at 703-324-3151 (TTY 711) by noon on Thursday, January 2. Find additional guidelines for speaking at the public forum on the Fairfax County Government website.  

Student and Family Resources

Fairfax County Public Schools has compiled a list of resources for students and families in case they need assistance while schools are closed for winter break. Please visit FCPS’ winter resources webpage for information on academic support, mental health support, and county resources related to food, clothing, housing, and other needs.

School’s Closed, Learning Can Continue! 

FCPS encourages students to take advantage of fun learning opportunities during winter break and snow days. Consider these winter activities to blend education and play for your students during winter break or weather-related school closures

10100 Gunston Road, Lorton VA 22079 | Main Phone: 703.541.3600
Clinic: 703.541.3610 | Email Attendance | Web | Twitter


GovDelivery1 month 1 week ago

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Kristen Rucinski - Principal            Linda Ferguson - Interim Assistant Principal

Gunston Gazette Upcoming Events & Reminders
  • December 16 - December 18:  Holiday Shop Fair
  • December 18:  Winter Concert - 6:30 pm
  • December 23 - January 3:  Winter Break (No School)
Principals' Message 

Dear Gunston Community, 

Thank you for your patience and understanding during the unexpected emergency fire drill during our last ceremony. Safety is always our top priority, and we appreciate your cooperation in ensuring everyone remained calm and secure. 

Due to scheduling constraints, we will adjust our Ernie Eagle Award celebration for this quarter. Teachers will now host smaller, classroom-based celebrations with students to honor their achievements. This adjustment allows us to continue recognizing our students’ hard work in a timely manner.  Teachers will communicate the details for their class.  

 We are excited to resume our larger, school-wide Ernie Eagle ceremony in the second quarter and look forward to celebrating together again soon. Thank you for your continued support of our students and staff!


Ms. Rucinski & Ms. Ferguson

Community Meetings on the Comprehensive Boundary Review

If you did not get a chance to attend one of the recent community meetings on the Comprehensive Boundary Review, please consider attending the final meeting in this first phase of the boundary review process. The Region 1 meeting will take place Wednesday, December 18, 6:30-8 p.m.,in the Madison High School cafeteria. Register today. If you are unable to participate, stay tuned for details about virtual Community Boundary Review Meetings coming early next year.

View FCPS’ Comprehensive Boundary Review webpage for more information. Sign up for FCPS’ School Boundary Review newsletter as well.

Student and Family Resources

Fairfax County Public Schools has compiled a list of resources for students and families in case they need assistance while schools are closed for winter break. Please visit FCPS’ winter resources webpage for information on academic support, mental health support, and county resources related to food, clothing, housing, and other needs.

School’s Closed, Learning Can Continue! 

FCPS encourages students to take advantage of fun learning opportunities during winter break and snow days. Consider these winter activities to blend education and play for your students during winter break or weather-related school closures

PTA News & Information Date: December 16 - December 18

(final shopping hours are prior to the Winter Concert)

Time:  9:30am - 2:30pm (teacher's discretion) Location:  Gunston Elementary - Room 110
  • Don't want to send in cash:  Prepay with a Visa or Mastercard in your student's name.
  • Go to: and select your STATE, CITY and SCHOOL or you can send your child in with cash or a check the day of the event.  Checks are to be made payable to:  Gunston Elementary PTA
  • Shop helpers will view your payment online, but please fill out Shopping Voucher for each student or print out and send in your email receipt(s) from your payments.
  • If paying for more than one shopper, please make separates payment to keep things simple for our volunteers.
  • Interested in being a volunteer? Sign up below!


10100 Gunston Road, Lorton VA 22079 | Main Phone: 703.541.3600
Clinic: 703.541.3610 | Email Attendance | Web | Twitter


GovDelivery1 month 2 weeks ago

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Kristen Rucinski - Principal     Linda Ferguson - Asst. Principal Gunston Gazette Upcoming Events & Reminders
  • December  9 - December 13: Scholastic Book Fair
  • December 16 - December 18:  Holiday Shop Fair
  • December 18:  Winter Concert - 6:30 pm
  • December 23 - January 3:  Winter Break (No School)
Principals' Message 

Dear Gunston Families,

As we enter the final month of 2024, I am excited to share some wonderful news about a new addition to our Gunston Elementary family! Please join me in warmly welcoming Ms. Linda Ferguson, our Interim Assistant Principal, who joined us this week.  Ms. Ferguson brings a wealth of experience, enthusiasm, and dedication to her work with students, staff, and families. Her passion for fostering positive school culture and her collaborative approach align beautifully with Gunston's mission of growing together, learning, and soaring. We look forward to learning from and with her as we continue embracing this journey together.

I also want to extend a heartfelt thank you to our amazing PTA for their dedication and hard work! They recently hosted a successful Turkey Trot, bringing our community together for fun and fitness. Their efforts continue as they prepare to host the Holiday Gift Shop before winter break, giving our students an opportunity to experience the joy of giving. Your support of these events makes a big difference in creating a vibrant school community—thank you!

As the winter break approaches, I hope each of you finds time to rest, recharge, and enjoy meaningful moments with loved ones. This is a special time of year—a chance to reflect on kindness, gratitude, and the importance of caring for one another. Let's continue to encourage our students to be safe, respectful, and responsible both in school and out in the community.

Please note that the school building will be closed for winter break from December 23rd through January 3rd. We look forward to welcoming everyone back on Monday, January 6th, refreshed and ready to soar into 2025!

Thank you for your continued partnership in making Gunston a place where every student can grow and thrive. As we look forward to winter break, I encourage families to use this time to create special memories together. Here are a few ideas for activities that promote connection, joy, and relaxation:

  • Cook or bake together: Share favorite recipes or try something new as a family.
  • Explore the outdoors: Take a walk, visit a local park, or enjoy a family hike.
  • Create something: Try arts and crafts, decorate together, or work on a family puzzle.
  • Have a family game night: Bring out board games, card games, or try charades!
  • Share stories: Read books together or tell stories about your favorite holiday traditions.

These moments of connection are a wonderful way to recharge and model the importance of family and kindness for our children.

Wishing you a joyful and restful winter break!

Warm regards, Ms. Rucinski and Ms. Ferguson


Book Fair eWallet, and Family Shopping

The excitement of the Gunston Book Fair has begun!  Come one, come all to shop for your favorite books starting on Monday, December 9, 2024 to Friday, December 13, 2024.  Monday is preview day for our students.  Thursday, December 12, 2024 the book fair has extended hours for families to come a shop together from 3:45 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

eWallet Setup

Creating an eWallet for your child is the easiest way to allow them to shop during the school day without worrying about carrying/losing cash.  You can create an eWallet and pre-authorize purchases up to a certain amount, and your card will only be charged for the amount spent. Create your eWallet here:

E-wallet money:

Boundary Review Community Meeting

Boundary Review Community Meetings provide a great opportunity for families, staff, and community members to share their thoughts and questions, and learn more about the boundary review process. The schedule of remaining meetings is below:

Family and community members are able to attend one or all of the meetings. You may want to attend a meeting in your region, but are free to attend a meeting in another region if that works better for their schedule. 


Visit the Comprehensive Boundary Review webpage to register or view other community meeting dates. Also, sign up to receive our School Boundary Review newsletter

Preparing for Winter Weather

Winter weather will be here before you know it! Watch this video to see how weather-related closing decisions are made.

FCPS’ website is generally the first place to find out about emergency weather closings. Other communication channels will be used as quickly as possible including email, text, social media, and news stations. Learn more about how schedule changes are communicated

Be sure to plan for the winter season. Update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE, bookmark the FCPS website, and arrange for childcare if needed.


Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activities

We will monitor the weather for low temperatures, wind chill advisories and warnings, and weather advisories which may prevent children from being outside. Make sure your child is dressed appropriately with a warm coat and other cold-weather clothing, so they can comfortably enjoy their time outdoors. See the National Weather Service’s tips on staying safe during cold weather.

If you need assistance supplying your child with cold-weather clothing, please call Fairfax County's Coordinated Services Planning at 703-222-0880. Their multilingual staff can assist with any challenges you are facing, including food, shelter, employment, financial assistance, and health care.

Reminder: Window for Full-Time AAP Referrals for closes December 15


Parents/guardians of students in Grades 2-7 who would like their student to be considered for Full-Time advanced academic programs may submit the AAP Full-Time Referral Form to Kevin Fahy, [email protected] no later than December 15, 2024

The window for families to submit a referral for Full-Time AAP services is the first day of school through December 15, annually.  Forms for Full-Time and part-time referrals are available on the AAP Forms Page. No late referrals for Full-Time AAP services will be accepted. 

Submitting a referral form for Full-Time AAP will initiate a process that begins at the local school and is then completed at the central office level. Our school will put together a portfolio that includes multiple data which are considered holistically. At the central office level, a committee of six trained professionals from various schools and roles will review the portfolio materials to determine eligibility for Full-Time placement.  Eligibility decisions are communicated by early April. Parents may request a copy of the portfolio that was submitted after they have been turned in for central selection by emailing Kevin Fahy at [email protected]

Referrals for Subject-Specific and Part-Time AAP are screened at the local school. If you miss this deadline, your student can still be screened for Subject-Specific AAP or Part-Time AAP for the remainder of the year and submit a referral for Full-Time AAP next fall. 

For more information, please visit the Advanced Academic Programs website.

Student Feedback Opportunity for FCPS Cell Phone Policy and SR&R

FCPS is working with K12 Insight to host a community forum for families, staff members, and students to provide feedback on the school division’s cell phone policies and practices, and the Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R) document. FCPS is looking for more student participants (grades 3-12) to help ensure diverse perspectives from our community.

The community forum will be held on Tuesday, December 10, 6:30-8 p.m., at the Willow Oaks Administrative Center. If your student is interested in providing feedback, please visit the Cell Phone Policy Forum registration page to learn more. Families must register their child by Monday, November 25.


Social and Emotional Learning Screener Results Coming Soon

One of the ways FCPS supports the mental wellness of all students is through the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener. In October, students in grades 3-12 took this screener, which gives information about their skills such as achieving goals, handling emotions, building relationships with adults and peers, and making good choices. 


The screener also helps students evaluate their school community’s efforts to make them feel valued, included, and supported. Screener data is used to create learning, experiences, and environments for students to succeed.

In early December, families will be able to view student SEL Screener results in SIS ParentVUE. For families who do not have an active ParentVUE account, results will be sent by mail.

Learn more about the screener on the Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener webpage. For help understanding your child’s results or ideas to support them at home, review the Family Guide or contact us. 

Attendance Matters

During the Academic Matters segment of the November 9 School Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid discussed student attendance and engagement. Attendance and absenteeism rates are one measure for Goal 2 of our 2023-30 Strategic Plan

Chronic absenteeism — which is defined as a student missing 10% or more of school for any reason — is a concern across Virginia school districts. Although FCPS continues to outperform the state average in attendance rates, we are tracking chronic absenteeism closely.

Data shows that:

  • Missing just 10% of school — just two days a month — negatively affects a student’s academic performance. 
  • Only 17% of students who were chronically absent in both kindergarten and first grade were reading proficiently in third grade, compared to 64% of those with good attendance.
  • Students who fail to read at grade level by the end of third grade are four times more likely than students who achieve proficiency to drop out of high school.
  • By sixth grade, chronic absenteeism becomes a leading indicator that a student will drop out of high school.

Attendance is critical for academic success!

Visit FCPS’ website for more attendance resources.

Impact Aid forms are over due! Families can still fill out the survey in ParentVUE, or ask for a form from the front office.  

For more information, please watch this video on Impact Aid and visit the Federal Impact Aid Survey page.

Click here to view the video on the Federal Impact Aid Survey. 

PTA News & Information

10100 Gunston Road, Lorton VA 22079 | Main Phone: 703.541.3600
Clinic: 703.541.3610 | Email Attendance | Web | Twitter


GovDelivery1 month 4 weeks ago

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Kristen Rucinski - Principal       Ebony Opie - Asst. Principal Gunston Gazette Upcoming Events & Reminders
  • November 27 - November 29: Thanksgiving Break (school closed)
  • December 4:  Ernie Eagle Awards Assembly
  • December 4:  Federal Impact Aid forms due
  • December 18:  Winter Concert - 6:30 pm
  • December 23 - January 3:  Winter Break (No School)
Native American Heritage Month

Native American Heritage Month is a time to celebrate rich and diverse cultures, traditions, and histories and to acknowledge the important contributions of Native Americans. It is also a time to raise a general awareness about the unique challenges they have faced both historically and in the present, and the ways in which tribal citizens have worked to conquer these challenges.

Preparing for Winter Weather

Winter weather will be here before you know it! Watch this video to see how weather-related closing decisions are made.

FCPS’ website is generally the first place to find out about emergency weather closings. Other communication channels will be used as quickly as possible including email, text, social media, and news stations. Learn more about how schedule changes are communicated

Be sure to plan for the winter season. Update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE, bookmark the FCPS website, and arrange for childcare if needed.


Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activities

We will monitor the weather for low temperatures, wind chill advisories and warnings, and weather advisories which may prevent children from being outside. Make sure your child is dressed appropriately with a warm coat and other cold-weather clothing, so they can comfortably enjoy their time outdoors. See the National Weather Service’s tips on staying safe during cold weather.

If you need assistance supplying your child with cold-weather clothing, please call Fairfax County's Coordinated Services Planning at 703-222-0880. Their multilingual staff can assist with any challenges you are facing, including food, shelter, employment, financial assistance, and health care.

Full-Time AAP Referrals for Spring Screening due December 15


Families or teachers may submit the Full-Time AAP Referral Form.  Go to and search “AAP forms.”  Referral forms and optional materials are due by December 15 to the local school. 

There are not exceptions to this deadline. If a family misses it, their student can be screened for Subject-Specific AAP or Part-Time AAP services and the family can submit a referral the following year. 

Questions:  Please contact Kevin Fahy @ [email protected]

Student Feedback Opportunity for FCPS Cell Phone Policy and SR&R

FCPS is working with K12 Insight to host a community forum for families, staff members, and students to provide feedback on the school division’s cell phone policies and practices, and the Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R) document. FCPS is looking for more student participants (grades 3-12) to help ensure diverse perspectives from our community.

The community forum will be held on Tuesday, December 10, 6:30-8 p.m., at the Willow Oaks Administrative Center. If your student is interested in providing feedback, please visit the Cell Phone Policy Forum registration page to learn more. Families must register their child by Monday, November 25.


Social and Emotional Learning Screener Results Coming Soon

One of the ways FCPS supports the mental wellness of all students is through the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener. In October, students in grades 3-12 took this screener, which gives information about their skills such as achieving goals, handling emotions, building relationships with adults and peers, and making good choices. 


The screener also helps students evaluate their school community’s efforts to make them feel valued, included, and supported. Screener data is used to create learning, experiences, and environments for students to succeed.

In early December, families will be able to view student SEL Screener results in SIS ParentVUE. For families who do not have an active ParentVUE account, results will be sent by mail.

Learn more about the screener on the Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener webpage. For help understanding your child’s results or ideas to support them at home, review the Family Guide or contact us. 

Boundary Review Community Meeting

Community meetings regarding FCPS’ comprehensive boundary review will take place in each of the division's six regions. You are encouraged to attend the meeting for Region 6, which will take place on Thursday, December 12th at Annandale High School.  Click here for details

Please register in advance by clicking on the date. Language interpretation will be available. 

If you are unable to attend on this date, view the full list of meetings on the Comprehensive School Boundary Review webpage.

Attendance Matters

During the Academic Matters segment of the November 9 School Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid discussed student attendance and engagement. Attendance and absenteeism rates are one measure for Goal 2 of our 2023-30 Strategic Plan

Chronic absenteeism — which is defined as a student missing 10% or more of school for any reason — is a concern across Virginia school districts. Although FCPS continues to outperform the state average in attendance rates, we are tracking chronic absenteeism closely.

Data shows that:

  • Missing just 10% of school — just two days a month — negatively affects a student’s academic performance. 
  • Only 17% of students who were chronically absent in both kindergarten and first grade were reading proficiently in third grade, compared to 64% of those with good attendance.
  • Students who fail to read at grade level by the end of third grade are four times more likely than students who achieve proficiency to drop out of high school.
  • By sixth grade, chronic absenteeism becomes a leading indicator that a student will drop out of high school.

Attendance is critical for academic success!

Visit FCPS’ website for more attendance resources.

Complete your survey - click here

FCPS is asking all families to fill out a Federal Impact Aid Survey. The form is available in SIS ParentVUE under Online Packets (in the upper right corner after logging in). Please complete it as soon as possible.

For any families who have not completed the survey in ParentVUE, schools will provide paper forms starting Wednesday, November 13. Paper forms should be returned by Friday, November 22.

Completing this form for each school-aged child in every household is important. Information from this survey resulted in more than $4 million in funding last year from the U.S. Department of Education. These funds are used to support all Fairfax County public schools and centers.

For more information, please watch this video on Impact Aid and visit the Federal Impact Aid Survey page.

Click here to view the video on the Federal Impact Aid Survey. 

PTA News & Information

10100 Gunston Road, Lorton VA 22079 | Main Phone: 703.541.3600
Clinic: 703.541.3610 | Email Attendance | Web | Twitter

Family Life Education (FLE) discussion (via Zoom) 11/20/24

GovDelivery2 months ago

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Kristen Rucinski - Principal       Ebony Opie - Asst. Principal Family Life Education (FLE) discussion Tonight - November 20th at 6:30pm (via Zoom) 

Reminder to Families:

You are invited to attend an evening opportunity to preview the Family Life Education media and lessons and to talk with school staff about the program.  The meeting will be held on November 20, 2024 at 6:30pm linked here on zoom . All program materials and media for all grade levels will be available for your review at this time.

10100 Gunston Road, Lorton VA 22079 | Main Phone: 703.541.3600
Clinic: 703.541.3610 | Email Attendance | Web | Twitter

Reminder: November 18th/TODAY - 3 hour early release

GovDelivery2 months ago

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Kristen Rucinski - Principal       Ebony Opie - Asst. Principal Early Release Monday TODAY November 18th

TODAY:   Monday, November 18th is a 3-Hour Early Release Day.  Students will be dismissed this afternoon at 12:20pm  or stay for supervision.  A confirmation communication was sent to families during the week.  SACC will be open at 12:20 pm for students who are enrolled in that program.

10100 Gunston Road, Lorton VA 22079 | Main Phone: 703.541.3600
Clinic: 703.541.3610 | Email Attendance | Web | Twitter


GovDelivery2 months ago

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Kristen Rucinski - Principal       Ebony Opie - Asst. Principal Gunston Gazette Principals' Message

Dear Gunston Families,

As we embrace the cooler days of November, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on the fantastic start we’ve had to this school year. We have officially completed our first quarter, and progress reports are a valuable opportunity for us all to reflect on each child’s achievements, set new goals, and continue our journey of growth together. I encourage you to take time with your child to review their progress report and celebrate the efforts they have made so far. Recognize their strengths, and help them see areas where they can continue to grow. It’s a great way to emphasize that learning is a journey, and every step forward is a celebration.

November is also a month for giving thanks and showing appreciation. At Gunston Elementary, we are focusing on ways to show gratitude, both big and small. We are talking to students about expressing thanks to their classmates, teachers, and even family members. Whether it’s a kind note, a simple “thank you,” or helping someone in need, these acts of kindness go a long way in building a strong, supportive community.

You can continue this focus at home by talking with your children about kindness. Ask them about ways they can show appreciation each day, and encourage them to look for opportunities to help others. Kindness is a habit that grows when it’s practiced regularly, and it’s one of the most powerful tools we have in creating a positive culture both at school and at home.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership. Together, we are helping our children soar to new heights, embracing the journey every step of the way.

Wishing you a wonderful month filled with gratitude, kindness, and connection.


With gratitude,

Ms. Rucinski and Mrs. Opie


Early Release Monday is Monday, November 18

As a reminder, Monday, November 18th is a 3-Hour Early Release Day.  Students will be dismissed at 12:20 pm or stay for supervision.  A confirmation communication was sent to families during the week.  SACC will be open at 12:20 pm for students who are enrolled in that program.

Upcoming Events & Reminders
  • November 18:  Three hour early release Monday
  • November 19:  Fall Picture Make Up Day
  • November 21:  Thanksgiving Lunch
  • November 27 - November 29: Thanksgiving Break (school closed)
  • December 4:  Ernie Eagle Awards Assembly
Native American Heritage Month

Native American Heritage Month is a time to celebrate rich and diverse cultures, traditions, and histories and to acknowledge the important contributions of Native Americans. It is also a time to raise a general awareness about the unique challenges they have faced both historically and in the present, and the ways in which tribal citizens have worked to conquer these challenges.

Attendance - Reporting Absences and Tardies

To report your child absent/tardy from school, please report absences through your SIS ParentVUE account, call 703-541-3600, or email  [email protected]  (reporting absences through Talking Points to the teacher is not official)

Click here to learn more about the impact of regular school attendance. 

Boundary Review Community Meeting

Community meetings regarding FCPS’ comprehensive boundary review will take place in each of the division's six regions. You are encouraged to attend the meeting for Region 6, which will take place on Thursday, December 12th at Annandale High School.  Click here for details

Please register in advance by clicking on the date. Language interpretation will be available. 

If you are unable to attend on this date, view the full list of meetings on the Comprehensive School Boundary Review webpage.

Complete your survey - click here

FCPS is asking all families to fill out a Federal Impact Aid Survey. The form is available in SIS ParentVUE under Online Packets (in the upper right corner after logging in). Please complete it as soon as possible.

For any families who have not completed the survey in ParentVUE, schools will provide paper forms starting Wednesday, November 13. Paper forms should be returned by Friday, November 22.

Completing this form for each school-aged child in every household is important. Information from this survey resulted in more than $4 million in funding last year from the U.S. Department of Education. These funds are used to support all Fairfax County public schools and centers.

For more information, please watch this video on Impact Aid and visit the Federal Impact Aid Survey page.

Click here to view the video on the Federal Impact Aid Survey. 

6th Grade Fundraiser PTA News & Information

Gunston Families! 

Our Turkey Trot is here!  This is our biggest fundraiser of the year and helps us to fund things like classroom items, field trip busses, our STEM night and science fair, fun connection events like Doughnuts with Grownups, our math and reading programs, appreciation items, and much more!

PTA is offering individual prizes based on amounts raised.  We will also have the opportunity to earn prizes as a class or grade based on each daily challenge.  I’ve provided the list of class/grade prizes below and will be sending reminders during the next week.  Keep an eye out for the individual prizes poster sent out by PTA, as well.

We will have prizes for participation even without funds raised, so please have your students visit www.MYBOOSTER.COM, sign up, and make their profile today to give our class a chance to win an EXTRA RECESS!

Thank you in advance for your support!

10100 Gunston Road, Lorton VA 22079 | Main Phone: 703.541.3600
Clinic: 703.541.3610 | Email Attendance | Web | Twitter


GovDelivery2 months 1 week ago

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Kristen Rucinski - Principal       Ebony Opie - Asst. Principal Gunston Gazette Upcoming Events & Reminders
  • November 11:  No School - Veterans Day
  • November 18:  Three hour early release Monday
  • November 19:  Fall Picture Make Up Day
  • November 21:  Thanksgiving Lunch
  • November 27 - November 29: School and Office CLOSED
Native American Heritage Month

Native American Heritage Month is a time to celebrate rich and diverse cultures, traditions, and histories and to acknowledge the important contributions of Native Americans. It is also a time to raise a general awareness about the unique challenges they have faced both historically and in the present, and the ways in which tribal citizens have worked to conquer these challenges.

Attendance - Reporting Absences and Tardies

To report your child absent/tardy from school, please report absences through your SIS ParentVUE account, call 703-541-3600, or email  [email protected]  (reporting absences through Talking Points to the teacher is not official)

Click here to learn more about the impact of regular school attendance. 

Complete your survey - click here

FCPS is asking all families to fill out a Federal Impact Aid Survey. The form is available in SIS ParentVUE under Online Packets (in the upper right corner after logging in). Please complete it as soon as possible.

For any families who have not completed the survey in ParentVUE, schools will provide paper forms starting Wednesday, November 13. Paper forms should be returned by Friday, November 22.

Completing this form for each school-aged child in every household is important. Information from this survey resulted in more than $4 million in funding last year from the U.S. Department of Education. These funds are used to support all Fairfax County public schools and centers.

For more information, please watch this video on Impact Aid and visit the Federal Impact Aid Survey page.

Click here to view the video on the Federal Impact Aid Survey. 

Services for Hearing-Impaired and Visually-Impaired Students

Students with sensory disabilities require specialized services and support to access instruction that is typically presented visually and auditorily (by means of hearing). FCPS provides educational services to students who are deaf, hearing-impaired, or visually impaired. They are supported in various settings, including at their school or through itinerant specialists who travel to different schools to work with students, rather than being based in a single school. Learn more about Services for Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and Services for Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired.

Visit the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) website for Resources for Serving Students with Sensory Disabilities.

6th Grade Fundraiser PTA News & Information Turkey Trot Spiritwear is now on sale! 

Options include short and long sleeve Tees and a hoodie in a variety of fall colors featuring Turkey Ernie!  All profits go to Gunston’s 6th grade class to fund their end of elementary school festivities.  Sale ends on 11/8.  Order online now at-HTTPS://GUNSTON24TT.ITEMORDER.COM or return the order form going home in folders.

10100 Gunston Road, Lorton VA 22079 | Main Phone: 703.541.3600
Clinic: 703.541.3610 | Email Attendance | Web | Twitter

Gunston Gazette

GovDelivery2 months 2 weeks ago

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Kristen Rucinski - Principal       Ebony Opie - Asst. Principal Gunston Gazette Harvest Walk 2024 Upcoming Events & Reminders
  • November 4:  No School - Staff Development Day
  • November 5:   No School - Election Day - Teacher Workday
  • November 8:  Veterans Day Celebration
  • November 11:  No School - Veterans Day
  • November 18:  Three hour early release Monday
  • November 19:  Fall Picture Make Up Day
  • November 21:  Thanksgiving Lunch
Native American Heritage Month

Native American Heritage Month is a time to celebrate rich and diverse cultures, traditions, and histories and to acknowledge the important contributions of Native Americans. It is also a time to raise a general awareness about the unique challenges they have faced both historically and in the present, and the ways in which tribal citizens have worked to conquer these challenges.

Complete your survey - click here

FCPS is asking all families to fill out a Federal Impact Aid Survey. The form is available in SIS ParentVUE under Online Packets (in the upper right corner after logging in). Please complete it as soon as possible.

For any families who have not completed the survey in ParentVUE, schools will provide paper forms starting Wednesday, November 13. Paper forms should be returned by Friday, November 22.

Completing this form for each school-aged child in every household is important. Information from this survey resulted in more than $4 million in funding last year from the U.S. Department of Education. These funds are used to support all Fairfax County public schools and centers.

For more information, please watch this video on Impact Aid and visit the Federal Impact Aid Survey page.

Click here to view the video on the Federal Impact Aid Survey. 

Election Day

Don’t forget to get out and vote on Tuesday, Nov. 5! The day will be observed as a holiday for students and a teacher work day. For more information, visit the Virginia Department of Elections webpage. See the complete school year calendar.

PTA News & Information Show your Turkey Trot Spirit Support 6th Grade Fundraiser

Turkey Trot Spiritwear is now on sale!  Options include short and long sleeve Tees and a hoodie in a variety of fall colors featuring Turkey Ernie!  All profits go to Gunston’s 6th grade class to fund their end of elementary school festivities.  Sale ends on November 8th.

Order online now at-HTTPS://GUNSTON24TT.ITEMORDER.COM or return the order form going home in folders.

10100 Gunston Road, Lorton VA 22079 | Main Phone: 703.541.3600
Clinic: 703.541.3610 | Email Attendance | Web | Twitter

Reminders for Thursday, October 31, 2024

GovDelivery2 months 3 weeks ago

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Kristen Rucinski - Principal       Ebony Opie - Asst. Principal Reminders for Thursday, October 31
  • Dismissal for all school-age students at 1:20 (end of the first quarter)
  • Morning ECCB Dismissal at 11:00
  • No Afternoon ECCB Classes
  • Book Character Day! (dress up as your favorite storybook hero)
Upcoming Events & Reminders
  • November 1:  Holiday (Diwali) - No School
  • November 4No School - Staff Development Day
  • November 5:   No School - Election Day - Teacher Workday
  • November 8:  Veterans Day Celebration - 9:00am
  • November 19:  Fall Picture Make Up Day

10100 Gunston Road, Lorton VA 22079 | Main Phone: 703.541.3600
Clinic: 703.541.3610 | Email Attendance | Web | Twitter

Gunston Gazette

GovDelivery2 months 3 weeks ago

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Kristen Rucinski - Principal       Ebony Opie - Asst. Principal Gunston Gazette Upcoming Events & Reminders
  • October:       National Bullying Prevention Month
  • October 21 - October 30:  LCAC Food Drive
  • October 28 - 31:  Dare to Care Week - Spirit week
  • October 29:  Donuts with Grown Ups  8:00am-8:30am
  • October 30:  Harvest Walk - 2:00pm
  • October 31:  End of First Quarter - 2 hour early release
  • November 1:  Holiday (Diwali) - No School
  • November 4:  No School - Staff Development Day
  • November 5:   No School - Election Day - Teacher Workday
  • November 8:  Veterans Day Celebration
  • November 19:  Fall Picture Make Up Day
National School Bus Safety Week

We want to take a moment to recognize and celebrate the incredible work of our school bus drivers during National School Bus Safety Week. These dedicated individuals ensure the safe transportation of our students to and from school every day.

Their commitment to safety and their positive attitudes make a significant impact on our school community. Let's show our appreciation for their hard work and dedication by thanking them for all they do.

Thank you, bus drivers!


Please be sure to sign in your SIS ParentVUE account to complete this important survey.  

Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is eligible for federal Impact Aid grants due to the federal presence in our area. The grants from these programs will become part of FCPS' general operating budget. They are critical to ensuring that students receive an excellent education. FCPS anticipates receiving approximately $4,000,000 in Impact Aid funds.

FCPS uses the survey for Federal Impact Aid to identify federally connected students. On October 21st, the survey will be made available to FCPS families. The survey is available online through ParentVue. Families without ParentVUE can request a paper copy of the survey from their child's school. FCPS staff will process the information with the utmost confidentiality. Any family who has not completed the survey online will receive a paper copy after November 12th.  PLEASE complete the survey online to help us save the paper!!! 

Click here to view the video on the Federal Impact Aid Survey. 

Dare to Care Week - Spirit Week  Monday, October 28 - Thursday, October 31 Diwali - November 1

We wish a fun Diwali to all celebrating! Diwali is a festival of lights and one of the major festivals celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs & some Buddhists. The festival represents the symbolic victory of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, and good over evil. #OurFCPS

All Saints Day - November 1

Next week we recognize those in our community observing All Saints Day and Día de los Muertos. For Catholics, All Saints Day (November 1) celebrates all those who are with God in Heaven, known and unknown. All Souls Day (November 2), known in Mexico and Latin America as Día de los Muertos, is a day of remembrance and prayer for all those who have died, especially for the souls who may be in purgatory. These special days are celebrated by Catholics, Anglicans, and some Protestants throughout the world. #OurFCPS

Calling All Gunston Veterans!

We're honoring our Veteran and Active-Duty community. Join us in creating a "Wall of Fame" to showcase our Gunston Heroes.

Share your photo by Thursday, October 31st. 

We celebrate all branches: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, and Space Force.

Let's honor your service together.

Upload a photo of yourself or with your family using this LINK  by Thursday, October 31st.

Or alternatively upload photo via our School Website form

PTA News & Information Show your Turkey Trot Spirit Support 6th Grade Fundraiser

Turkey Trot Spiritwear is now on sale!  Options include short and long sleeve Tees and a hoodie in a variety of fall colors featuring Turkey Ernie!  All profits go to Gunston’s 6th grade class to fund their end of elementary school festivities.  Sale ends on November 8th.

Order online now at-HTTPS://GUNSTON24TT.ITEMORDER.COM or return the order form going home in folders.

Donuts with Grownups

Bring a family member to Donuts with Grownups on Tuesday, October 29th! 

10100 Gunston Road, Lorton VA 22079 | Main Phone: 703.541.3600
Clinic: 703.541.3610 | Email Attendance | Web | Twitter

Gunston Gazette

GovDelivery2 months 4 weeks ago

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Kristen Rucinski - Principal       Ebony Opie - Asst. Principal Gunston Gazette Upcoming Events & Reminders
  • October:       National Bullying Prevention Month
  • October 28 - 31:  Dare to Care Week - Spirit week
  • October 29:  Donuts with Grown Ups  8:00am-8:30am
  • October 30:  Harvest Walk - 2:00pm
  • October 31:  End of First Quarter - 2 hour early release
  • November 1:  Holiday (Diwali) - No School
  • November 4:  No School - Staff Development Day
  • November 5:   No School - Election Day - Teacher Workday
  • November 8:  Veterans Day Celebration
  • November 19:  Fall Picture Make Up Day
National Bullying Prevention Month

 October is National Bullying Prevention Month. To help develop a common understanding of Bullying, below is the FCPS definition. 

Bullying in Students Rights and Responsibilities is defined as: “Any aggressive and unwanted behavior that is intended to harm, intimidate, or humiliate the victim; involves a real or perceived power imbalance between the aggressor or aggressors and victim; and is repeated over time or causes severe emotional trauma. “Bullying” includes cyberbullying. “Bullying” does not include ordinary teasing, horseplay, argument, or peer conflict.”

For more information on how FCPS handles a bullying situation please visit the FCPS Bullying Prevention and Intervention webpage. Our goal is to ensure all students feel safe and welcome at school. If you have questions and/or concerns about something that is going on at school, please contact the front office so that they can support you and most importantly your student


Please be sure to sign in your SIS ParentVUE account to complete this important survey.  

Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is eligible for federal Impact Aid grants due to the federal presence in our area. The grants from these programs will become part of FCPS' general operating budget. They are critical to ensuring that students receive an excellent education. FCPS anticipates receiving approximately $4,000,000 in Impact Aid funds.

FCPS uses the survey for Federal Impact Aid to identify federally connected students. On October 21st, the survey will be made available to FCPS families. The survey is available online through ParentVue. Families without ParentVUE can request a paper copy of the survey from their child's school. FCPS staff will process the information with the utmost confidentiality. Any family who has not completed the survey online will receive a paper copy after November 12th.  PLEASE complete the survey online to help us save the paper!!! 

Click here to view the video on the Federal Impact Aid Survey. 

Outstanding Employee Nominations

The nomination window for the Outstanding Employee Awards approaches! Nominations open on October 14, 2024 and must be submitted by October 28, 2024. To submit a nomination for a Gunston Outstanding Employee in one of the categories below, please complete the nomination through this Google form link (form will accept responses beginning 10/14).

You may nominate one employee at our school or multiple employees (one individual may only nominate one employee per category.) All that is required for a preliminary nomination is a paragraph or two about how this employee demonstrates exceptional work in the criteria for that category. The google form link has more information regarding the criteria for each of these awards and the eligibility requirements are below.

Outstanding Teacher

Eligibility: Has at least three years of experience as a teacher (in any school/school district);

librarians are included in this category.

Outstanding New Teacher

Eligibility: Has up to three years of experience as a teacher (in any school/school district);

librarians are included in this category.

Outstanding Principal

Eligibility: Has at least three years of experience as a building principal (in any school/school district)

Outstanding Leader

Eligibility: At least one year of experience in their current position as a Schedule-C or School-Based Administrator scale employee (that is not the building principal):

Common positions in this category: Assistant and Associate Principals, Director of Student Activities, Director of  Student Services.

Outstanding Professional Employee

Eligibility: At least one year experience in current position as a Schedule-B employee or other non-

instructional employee in a school that supports school leadership.

Common positions in this category: School-Based Technology Specialist, Technology Support

Specialist, Assessment Coach, Career Center Specialist, Instructional Coach, Psychologist, Social

Worker, School Counselor, Safety and Security Specialist, Resource Teachers that serve in an administrative role in a school.

Outstanding Operational Employee

Eligibility: At least one year of experience in current position as Schedule-A or Classroom Instructional Support  Scale employee. Common positions in this category: Administrative and Office Staff, Safety and Security Assistant, Custodial Staff, Food Service Staff, IA, PHA, PHTA, All Parent Liaisons (regardless of how they are paid)

The deadline to submit a nomination is October 28, 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Fahy at [email protected]



Dare to Care Week - Spirit Week - Next Week! PTA News & Information Show your Turkey Trot Spirit Support 6th Grade Fundraiser

Turkey Trot Spiritwear is now on sale!  Options include short and long sleeve Tees and a hoodie in a variety of fall colors featuring Turkey Ernie!  All profits go to Gunston’s 6th grade class to fund their end of elementary school festivities.  Sale ends on November 8th.

Order online now at-HTTPS://GUNSTON24TT.ITEMORDER.COM or return the order form going home in folders.

Donuts with Grownups

Bring a family member to Donuts with Grownups on Tuesday, October 29th! 

10100 Gunston Road, Lorton VA 22079 | Main Phone: 703.541.3600
Clinic: 703.541.3610 | Email Attendance | Web | Twitter

Gunston Gazette

GovDelivery3 months ago

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Kristen Rucinski - Principal       Ebony Opie - Asst. Principal Gunston Gazette Upcoming Events & Reminders
  • October:       National Bullying Prevention Month
  • October 17:  Ledo Pizza Fundraising Event (Lorton 4:00-8:30pm)
  • October 17:  PTA Meeting 6:00pm
  • October 21:  Three Hour Early Release Monday. Students will be dismissed at 12:30pm
  • October 28 - 31:  Dare to Care Week
  • October 31:  End of First Quarter - 2 hour early release
  • November 1:  Holiday (Diwali)
  • November 4:  Student Holiday
  • November 5:   Student Holiday
  • November 19:  Fall Picture Make Up Day
 Early Release Monday - October 21

Our second Early Release Monday is scheduled for October 21st.  Our dismissal will begin at 12:20 for Kiss and Ride, and we hope the busses will leave our site at 12:30.  Please plan on your students arriving 3 hours earlier than their normal time.  SACC will be open at 12:30 at the Gunston site and Lorton Library site for those students who are already enrolled in the after school program. 

National School Lunch Week 2024 Celebrating the Power of School Lunch Week



Multiple studies show that school lunches are important in supporting overall student health by improving students’ diets and combating food insecurity. Students who eat school lunches consume more fruit, vegetables, and fiber than their peers.  

This School Lunch Week, FCPS Food and Nutrition Services’ (FNS) reminds families that they are dedicated to providing flavorful, healthy, sustainable, and student-focused meals. New menu items have been launched this year based on student feedback.

Outstanding Employee Nominations

The nomination window for the Outstanding Employee Awards approaches! Nominations open on October 14, 2024 and must be submitted by October 28, 2024. To submit a nomination for a Gunston Outstanding Employee in one of the categories below, please complete the nomination through this Google form link (form will accept responses beginning 10/14).

You may nominate one employee at our school or multiple employees (one individual may only nominate one employee per category.) All that is required for a preliminary nomination is a paragraph or two about how this employee demonstrates exceptional work in the criteria for that category. The google form link has more information regarding the criteria for each of these awards and the eligibility requirements are below.

Outstanding Teacher

Eligibility: Has at least three years of experience as a teacher (in any school/school district);

librarians are included in this category.

Outstanding New Teacher

Eligibility: Has up to three years of experience as a teacher (in any school/school district);

librarians are included in this category.

Outstanding Principal

Eligibility: Has at least three years of experience as a building principal (in any school/school district)

Outstanding Leader

Eligibility: At least one year of experience in their current position as a Schedule-C or School-Based Administrator scale employee (that is not the building principal):

Common positions in this category: Assistant and Associate Principals, Director of Student Activities, Director of  Student Services.

Outstanding Professional Employee

Eligibility: At least one year experience in current position as a Schedule-B employee or other non-

instructional employee in a school that supports school leadership.

Common positions in this category: School-Based Technology Specialist, Technology Support

Specialist, Assessment Coach, Career Center Specialist, Instructional Coach, Psychologist, Social

Worker, School Counselor, Safety and Security Specialist, Resource Teachers that serve in an administrative role in a school.

Outstanding Operational Employee

Eligibility: At least one year of experience in current position as Schedule-A or Classroom Instructional Support  Scale employee. Common positions in this category: Administrative and Office Staff, Safety and Security Assistant, Custodial Staff, Food Service Staff, IA, PHA, PHTA, All Parent Liaisons (regardless of how they are paid)

The deadline to submit a nomination is October 28, 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Fahy at [email protected]


Emergency Care Forms

Emergency Care Forms will be sent home in the mail this week rather than Thursday folders.   Please take a moment to ensure that the school has the most recent information.

Changes/additions may be made directly on the form and returned to your student's teacher. Thank you!

PTA News & Information PTA Meeting Thursday, October 17th - 6:00pm

10100 Gunston Road, Lorton VA 22079 | Main Phone: 703.541.3600
Clinic: 703.541.3610 | Email Attendance | Web | Twitter

Gunston Gazette

GovDelivery3 months 2 weeks ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

        Kristen Rucinski - Principal                Ebony Opie - Assistant Principal

Gunston Gazette Principals' Message

Dear Gunston Family,

We are more than halfway through the first quarter, and time is certainly flying by! On Wednesday, interims were sent home. It is important to take some time to review these reports with your child, celebrate their accomplishments, and identify areas for growth. Your encouragement and feedback can make a huge difference. Please be sure to sign and return the interims to your child's teacher by Monday.

At Gunston, we remain focused on our expectations that all of our Eagles are consistently safe, respectful, and responsible in every area of the school day, including on the bus. Following these expectations is key for earning a 4 in Citizenship Skills. Please take a moment to talk with your child about how they can show kindness to their peers and contribute positively to our school community.

Additionally, teachers will be reaching out soon to schedule first-quarter parent conferences. Please keep an eye on Talking Points and your emails for communication regarding these meetings. We greatly value our parent partnerships and know that by working together, we can support the success and well-being of all students.

A special thank you goes out to our wonderful PTA for their hard work in organizing a successful 5K this past Sunday! It was amazing to see our community come together to support each other and raise funds for an after-school program.  We appreciate everyone who participated.

Finally, as we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, we are reminded of the importance of diversity and how it enriches our school culture. Let’s continue to embrace the many unique backgrounds and traditions within our Gunston family.

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Warm regards,

Ms. Rucinski and Mrs. Opie

Message from Fairfax County Police Department

I’m sure if you’ve waited in the Kiss and Ride line, especially toward the end, you may have been witness to some reckless driving when, at times, people decide to pass over the double yellow line. The Fairfax County Police have received these complaints and continue to collaborate with our staff on the best way to safely queue for and rotate through the Kiss and Ride area. An officer observed our process on Wednesday afternoon with administration and asked we share a few important reminders. 

Through recent observations, the police would like to remind everyone that motorists stopping on Gunston Road in such a manner as to impede the use of the roadway are doing so in violation of state code and are subject to citation. Minutes Matter! Officers have said that parents blocking Gunston Road prior to drop off time of 8:25 AM or pick up time of 3:20 PM could be cited. After those times, during the normal pick-up times, a simple, brief, back-up in traffic is not a violation. Please be aware of the time you arrive and it is not too early so we don’t impede traffic on Gunston Road.

Thank you for your continued attention to this matter and please remember to inch-up closely to the car in front of you.  A couple extra feet in front of your car, multiplied by everyone in line, adds up fast.  Please refrain from being on your cell phone while in the Kiss and Ride lane as it is a safety concern and delays traffic.  If you are picking up or dropping of  your child to the main office and/or SACC, you MUST park your car and not park near the sidewalk.  It is illegal to park next to the sidewalk with yellow lines and signs indicating no standing or waiting.  The police will be spot checking the surrounding areas for continued compliance so please follow these reminders and, as always, buckle up everyone in the car and use car seats when necessary! 

Upcoming Events & Reminders
  • October 14:  Staff Development Day.  School is closed for students. 
  • October 21:  Three Hour Early Release Monday. Students will be dismissed at 12:30pm
  • October 31:  End of First Quarter - 2 hour early release
  • November 1:  Diwali Holiday.  School is closed for staff & students.  
Outstanding Employee Nominations

The nomination window for the Outstanding Employee Awards approaches! Nominations open on October 14, 2024 and must be submitted by October 28, 2024. To submit a nomination for a Gunston Outstanding Employee in one of the categories below, please complete the nomination through this Google form link (form will accept responses beginning 10/14).

You may nominate one employee at our school or multiple employees (one individual may only nominate one employee per category.) All that is required for a preliminary nomination is a paragraph or two about how this employee demonstrates exceptional work in the criteria for that category. The google form link has more information regarding the criteria for each of these awards and the eligibility requirements are below.

Outstanding Teacher

Eligibility: Has at least three years of experience as a teacher (in any school/school district);

librarians are included in this category.

Outstanding New Teacher

Eligibility: Has up to three years of experience as a teacher (in any school/school district);

librarians are included in this category.

Outstanding Principal

Eligibility: Has at least three years of experience as a building principal (in any school/school district)

Outstanding Leader

Eligibility: At least one year of experience in their current position as a Schedule-C or School-Based Administrator scale employee (that is not the building principal):

Common positions in this category: Assistant and Associate Principals, Director of Student Activities, Director of  Student Services.

Outstanding Professional Employee

Eligibility: At least one year experience in current position as a Schedule-B employee or other non-

instructional employee in a school that supports school leadership.

Common positions in this category: School-Based Technology Specialist, Technology Support

Specialist, Assessment Coach, Career Center Specialist, Instructional Coach, Psychologist, Social

Worker, School Counselor, Safety and Security Specialist, Resource Teachers that serve in an administrative role in a school.

Outstanding Operational Employee

Eligibility: At least one year of experience in current position as Schedule-A or Classroom Instructional Support  Scale employee. Common positions in this category: Administrative and Office Staff, Safety and Security Assistant, Custodial Staff, Food Service Staff, IA, PHA, PHTA, All Parent Liaisons (regardless of how they are paid)

The deadline to submit a nomination is October 28, 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Fahy at [email protected]


Safeway Immunization Clinics for All FCPS Students 

Safeway Pharmacy will be providing immunizations at Frost Middle School for all FCPS students at no cost on: 

  • Tuesday, October 8, 3-7 p.m.
  • Saturday, October 12, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
  • Monday, October 28, 3-7 p.m.

Walk-ins are welcome, but appointments are highly encouraged to avoid wait times. A parent or guardian must accompany walk-in students under the age of 19 to provide consent. Learn more about immunization resources and registering in other languages for the Safeway clinic.

Elementary School Clinics

The Fairfax County Health Department will provide immunizations for FCPS elementary students on limited early release Mondays at their district offices. All school-required immunizations will be offered at no cost. Call 703-246-7100 to make your appointment.

Scheduling Family Trips or Events

Good attendance is an important life skill that will help students succeed in school and beyond.

When planning trips or family events, refer to the FCPS calendar and try to use weekends and school holidays. Every day of learning is a day toward success. Keep in mind that absences add up quickly. Students absent 10% of the school year (or just two days per month) are considered chronically absent.

When possible, schedule appointments for your child outside of school hours. If your child needs to miss school because of an illness or another reason, you must report the absence. 

Watch this video with tips on understanding our school calendar and visit our Attendance webpage for additional information. Attend today, achieve tomorrow!

Emergency Care Forms to be sent home next week for review

Be on the look-out  for a copy of your student's Emergency Care Form in their Thursday folder next week.  Please take a moment to ensure that the school has the most recent information.

Changes/additions may be made directly on the form and returned to your student's teacher. Thank you!

Social Studies Basal Resources Review

FCPS is adopting Social Studies Basal Resources for the 2025-26 school year. Basal resources are the primary resources used to support instruction in a given subject. Public review of the instructional materials under consideration — which is part of the process for selecting new resources — is underway. Visit the Community Review webpage for more information on how to view the materials online or in person. 

All community feedback will be shared with School Board members before they vote to select materials in spring 2025. FCPS adopts basal resources by the process outlined in Regulation 3004.

  National Hispanic Heritage Month

10100 Gunston Road, Lorton VA 22079 | Main Phone: 703.541.3600
Clinic: 703.541.3610 | Email Attendance | Web | Twitter

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