Please Set Up ParentVue Credentials!
You Definitely Want and Need FCPS ParentVUE Credentials!
The SIS (Student Information System) ParentVue account credential is the FCPS secure solution for providing parent access to school information about your FCPS children. With these credentials (username and password) parents can learn about their child’s attendance, class performance, and demographic data on the Parent SIS App. It also acts as a login for a number of other FCPS Applications that helps to support your child including Schoology, HereComes-the-Bus App, the annual ParentDigitalConsent, and MySchool Bucks. Updates now allow parents to update emergency information, health information and sign various forms/permissions via the Online Verification (OVU) Please make sure we have your correct email on file.
Your parent account stays active for your entire FCPS enrollment. A single login allows access to ALL of your FCPS children, regardless of school attending. Credentials are available for each parent/guardian on file with permissions for records access.
Note: new-to-FCPS families will need to wait until school begins to access all the apps with parentVUE. Your activated account may show up as disabled, but this is only until school starts.
How to Get Activation Information:
- For current families already attending Gunston - call Gunston (703-541-3600), email Elizabeth Hurst ([email protected]), or Digitally Request activation info.
- For newly registered families - activations will be mailed in July for anyone who does not get info at time of registration & where an email is on record..
- For NEW families needing to register - ParentVue activation in that allows online registration scroll down to #4. Former/returning FCPS families will need to call the number on this link to get activation information. We apologize in advance for long hold times during this busy period. Note: New families will only have basic registration access initially and may see a "disabled" warning on various features until school begins.