SOL Test Day
State Assessments, Grades 3-8 - For Parents
Dear Parents and Guardians:
Students in grades 3-8 participate in state assessments each year. State assessments measure how students are learning the state standards. Format and timing of state assessments vary by grade level and content area, as noted in the table below. These include:
● Spring Standards of Learning (SOL) standardized tests in reading, mathematics, and science, including an integrated reading and writing (IRW) component;
● Ongoing local alternative assessments (LAAs) completed as part of classroom instruction in science, and social studies;
● SOL-aligned growth assessments completed as part of classroom instruction in mathematics and reading

More information about these assessments can be found on the webpage: SOL Tests in Elementary and Middle Schools ( The Grade Level Tests webpage ( provides information by grade level about the divisionwide assessment schedule and reporting method for each required assessment in Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS). School staff will contact you with the specific dates your student is scheduled to take the standardized SOL assessments.
SOL Parent/Guardian Permission to Retest
The Virginia Board of Education allows elementary and middle school students who fail their spring Standards of Learning (SOL) tests by a narrow margin to retake the test before the end of the school year. Retesting is available when a student fails their first SOL attempt with a score of 375-399. (A score of 400 is considered passing for SOL tests.) Note that retests are not offered for the integrated reading and writing (IRW) component of the grade 5 and grade 8 SOL reading tests. A decision not to allow retesting will not impact your student’s course grade or academic record.
Parent/guardian permission is required for the school to retest any student in grades 3-8. If you believe that your student would benefit from a second opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills on the spring SOL test, submit your decision using the Parent Digital Consent application (…).
If you have questions about state assessments, contact your student’s teacher or the school test coordinator.