100's 100's 100's

One Hundred Days of School

Photo Articles
February 19, 2019

Gunston celebrates the First One Hundred Days in style each year.  This year’s one hundredth day was one of the finest ever. From parading around the school in “hundreds wear” to “aging booth pictures” students learned what 100 looks like in multiple ways.

1st Grade strutted into the 100th day of school in style! They showed off their fashionable shirts to friends all over the school. Fifth graders stepped into the “aging booth” to get images of what they might look like at 100 years old. Additional activities included 100 Fruit Loops on a necklace, drawing 100 year visualizations and counting 100 M&M’s.

Students also wrote about the day.  Some tried to get 100 words on a page, others made books with 100 items on each page and yet more reflected and wrote about things they enjoyed about their first 100 days at school this year.

The day was a hundred times special.