Art PBL in 6th Grade

February 14, 2022

PBL is project-based learning. It starts with a driving question.

Driving question, how can you as an 8th grader create a collage highlighting classes and activities?

Mrs Gorham, art teacher, at Gunston worked with the 6th graders on this PBL.  Her students learned by actively engaging in real-world and personally meaning projects. They had to reflect upon their own interests and futures, research opportunities available in their middle school and learn how to publicly talk about their learning.  In addition they created their projects using art skills learned in class.

They spent several sessions of art working on this project. It included organizing both reflections and research into graphic charts.  They then reviewed and commented on their own work as part of an editing process. After their own edits and teacher input they created posters, accordions or booklets to showcase thinking and creativity.   Students from the whole school filtered into the cafeteria where the 6th graders could practice their speaking skills by talking about their work.  Robotics, video games, football and Arabic were some of the more popular  topics of interests.  Artistic skill, clever representation and speaking skills were all in evidence at this event.