Military Family Support
Gunston Salutes Children of Military Families
Student of Military Families
We are very proud of our students from military families at Gunston. We know there may be extended needs and we are always working to provide support and understanding whenever we can. We also count ourselves lucky to have former service members and their families in our midst.
Gunston will be observing April as the Month of the Military Child.
Since 1986, this designation has been intended to recognize and thank children from military families. Gunston will be observing this month in the following ways:
- Watch for events this April to celebrate Month of the Military Child.
- National Purple Up Day is in April. Please wear Purple!
Gunston celebrates families and members of the military several times during the year with ceremonies, breakfasts and displays or donations. Our student ambassadors work especially diligently to support youth of military families as they transition to our school or deal with extended deployment absences. Also teachers were provided special training to gain perspective and mindfulness on how to help students and families with transitions, extended family absences or deployment stresses. Opportunities for after school clubs, student ambassadors to welcome incoming transfers and classroom stories that bring understanding are other ways our school provides support.
Inherent in all our community/school programs at school is empathy-building and respect for all those from families who serve. Some of our events are highlighted at the bottom of this webpage.
Gunston Elementary is super proud to have retained the Virginia Purple Star Achievement for supporting our military families.